Mary started her day by accompanying George, a nurse at the CLTC clinic (see below in white shirt) to a nearby village for a Mass Immunization clinic. The other two workers who were nurses work for the government and they brought with them all the medications and actually gave the injections. George would interview the Moms and make sure the children had not recently been sick. Some of the children would get as many as 6 injections. It was a village of about 3000 (George suggested there were probably 1000 kids) and the turnout was light. Although we did not count there were about 30 children immunized. They receive Hep B, TA , Vitamin A (oral), Polio, BCG for TB, Measles. Each child is given a booklet which the Mom is to bring with her to the Dr, clinic, etc. This is their 'health record', sometimes they had them and sometimes not. They did not receive immunizations if they had no record.
After the clinic was over, George and I walked into the village and he showed me pineapple & bananas growing. When we got back to the site of the immunizations Jennifer one of the gov't nurses had cut up a pineapple for us to share. I joined in and it was delicious.........the plate she had it on was made of several large leaves. :):)
George and I walked back to CLTC after the clinic. This turned out to be a time to answer a lot of his questions regarding my visit and about our country.
Today Duff got the Kindergarten teacher's computer and printer working , as well as a server several guys have been working on. He is staying busy!
We had rain this afternoon right after I washed our sheets.....I ended up hanging them everywhere in the house to get them dry. Timing is everything!
Tonight we had dinner with Patrick and Jan and one of his students and their family. It was an interesting evening as we shared with them and heard of their ministry prior to coming to CLTC.
Well, it is late so we are off to bed. We love getting mail from home!!
Jim and Mary
Hi, Mary and Jim.
Your writings are so interesting. I read every word !
Love you.
Ann K.
We love the addition of the pictures. How about some of Jan
& family. After all, we haven't
seen them in almost 2 years.
I hope the Sunday worship service
involved some familiar hymns that
the two of you could sing in English.
Love, Gail & Jon
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