Mary took some additional medications newly arrived from the Avondale support group to the clinic this afternoon, along with a bag of cookies for each of the nurses and a thank you note for letting me spend time with them in the CLTC clinic. This evening a meeting for the married female students and wives of students was held, with much singing and a program led by Gay, an Australian lady. The topic was 'Worry'. Gay asked that I make a short statement of something I worry about. Of course the entire program was in pidgin so Jan wrote out my statement and I read it in pidgin. After which I received a round of applause ...not for worrying of course but for the attempt at their language. At the end of the evening this group had special prayers for Gay and I and gave us each a card and farewell gift. The custom here is that you do not open a gift at the time you recieve it, so after getting home I opened it and receieved a beautiful hand woven bilum. A bag described earlier in our blog.
Jim spent the day working on installation of a Linux operating system on a Windows based computer so that the user could have both systems available. Ultimately CLTC wants to migrate to the Linux system as the Microsoft programs continue to get more expensive and Microsoft gives no breaks to a Christian non-profit, but sell to the Chinese at $3.00 a unit. Go figure! The picture above is of the CLTC IT department being treated to a Coke by Jeff, the interim department head, after a successful day.
As you probably figured out, this is written by Jim, as it is somewhat more cryptic and unimaginative. It is now midnight here, she is asleep, and tomorrow, after she reads this, more detail will follow. (It's now morning, Mary is awake, and the proper corrections, amendments, and additions have been made in the first paragraph).
All the best toYou!!
Jim and Mary
1 comment:
Microsoft offer academic pricing to non profit charity organisations - and have an even better deal if one of their employees dontaes to a charity - they will match the gift in software but the software is at a very discounted price. We buy ours from microworx.com.au
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